Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nick Pitera Wows Me Again!

Earlier last week, the Phantom of the Opera Facebook fan page posted a link to another amazing Nick Pitera video.  He sings both parts of All I Ask of You, and he is absolutely amazing.  

I had seen Pitera on Youtube once before, in his Phantom Medley video.  I think this video is much more impress than the newest post, but both show off just how talented this man is (as well as how different vocal ranges from character to character are in the production).  

Check out both of these videos.  They're worth it.  He also has some other, non-Phantom related videos on his channel that are equally impressive.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter weekend.  I know I did.  My schedule has been packed, but that's what makes life interesting... right?

But, this is a light little message curtsy of Cressida once again.

Laugh a little.  You know it's funny.

 - Maya Lynn

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Monday Update: It has been far, far too long...

I'm sorry Angel's, but I'm the worst schedule keeper in the history of... well schedule keeping.

I have several half finish posts I've been meaning to finish, but a new idea comes before I can finish the old.  So, therefore, the blog sits stagnant.  That's not very kind of me is it?

So, hopefully there will be a few more update from me, at least with things to come from this blog.  It was always my goal to write about my own exploration into this world and into this character, and the way the story is always slightly different for every person, writer or receiver.  I think Erik just molds that way.

Some small updates:

I'm finishing up my reviews on Susan Kay's Phantom.  I've originally chose to do this in sections, but decided I wanted to finish the entire book first before finishing each section.  That actually chose to serve me better on a analytical standpoint, but not necessarily on a "getting posts out quickly" standpoint.

I've also started planning a trip to Vegas to see Phantom before it closes in September.  My original plan was to visit New York, but budget says Vegas... especially because I'd like to see the show before it closes.  I have a feeling that even if the touring Broadway show re-vamps and changes its sets and design that the original show will always be there on Broadway.  So, once I get my planning date set (I'm aiming for June) then I'll post more about my plans.  Maybe I'll see some of you there!

I've started on Phantom of Manhattan by Fredrick Forsythe but haven't gotten farther than the introduction (does that even count as starting?).  Needless to say, Forsythe hasn't given me much of a reason to like his book with this introduction.... but I'll give it more of a chance when I finally pick the damn thing back up again.

I am also finishing up my notes on Erik: Portrait of a Living Corpse.  This movie has to be one of my favorites and I have (mostly) good things to say about it.

I do have another request of my few readers! I'm looking for my next Phantom book.  I've looked through other fan related fiction and I'd like suggestions on which one I should read next!  Comment or send me an email.

Look for more to come!

 - Maya

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday Update

Good morning Angels!  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!  This is a pre-scheduled post, and I am currently driving from my little town in Texas to another little town in Arkansas where some family is staying.  I hope everyone else traveling out there is being safe.

Updates for this week...  Not a lot unfortunately.  Nothing I can find is going on in the Phantom community itself, but I'm keeping an eye out. 

If you haven't ready my first post about Susan Kay's Phantom, take a look and tell me what you think.  I'm going to try and get started on my second post about Erik's time with the Gypsy camp while I'm on vacation, but we'll see if I actually get to it.  I'm also currently half way through posts on both the Robert Englund movie and Erik: Portrait of a Living Corpse.  I'm really enjoying rewatching some of these Phantom movies, and seeing new ones that I'd never encountered before, but I'm not really thinking about what order I'm going to post in. 

Chronologically is just too easy... right?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays

Good evening Angels.  It's Christmas eve, and I'm getting ready for dinner with my family.  With shopping and cooking and decorations, this is a slow blogging time for me.  But I wanted to update with a bit of holiday cheer curtsy of Cressida.  Oh Gerry... how you slay me...

Oh my! *Evil cackle*  And, for those of you that haven't known me for very long... I kind of have this thing about elves...

And I can hear the critics now.  How dare you post indecent photos of our Gerik!  Well, my friends, I say this to you:

Everything is always in good fun.  Enjoy the holidays, and I wish you and your families the best.

Until next time, be good Angels,

 - Maya